On 26-28 SEP 2017, the Global SOF Foundation hosted its second European Symposium in Bucharest, Romania.
His Excellency Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania, provided opening remarks; others in the impressive lineup of speakers included the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, Lithuania’s Vice Minister of National Defense, both Romania’s Chief and Minister of National Defense, Ms. Catherine Herridge of Fox News Channel, the U.S. ambassador to Romania, and special operations leaders from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Spain, Denmark, Lithuania, and Georgia.
The Symposium was hosted by the Romanian Ministry of Defense and the Global SOF Foundation, a United States-based non-profit organization. The Foundation aims to build and grow an international SOF network of military, government, commercial, and educational stakeholders in order to advance SOF capabilities and partnerships to confront global and networked threats.

Turkish and Romanian Special Operations Forces work together to provide security for the main effort of a bunker assault mission on the coast of Constanta. A Romanian SOF Soldier pulls security while guarding an enemy combatant from hostile fire during a bunker assault mission.